100% Natural Plants & Fruits Dishwashing Liquid- 1 Liter


Based on probiotic principles rather than the concept of anti-bacterial agents, beneficial microflora combine with antioxidant fruit enzymes and naturally occurring saponin from soap nuts to form a synergistic “brew” which removes grease & grime as well as bad odour on pots, pans, bottles, glasses and other utensils. No fragrances added.

Ingredients: Soapnut (spindus emarginatus), Kaffir Lime (citrus hystrix), Galanga (alpinia officinarum), Lemon Grass (cymbopogon citratus), Tumeric (Curcuma longa syn. C. domestica) Pineapple (Ananas comosus), Elephant Apple (Dillenia indica),Laurel Leaf (ficus mircrocarpa), Artesian Spring Water and Effective Microorganism (lactobacillus casei, rhodopseudomonas palustris, saccharomyces cerevisiae).



40 in stock (can be backordered)


Our products combine ancient Thai herbal wisdom with the modern understanding of how beneficial micro-flora can bring healing to both body and environment.The presence of life promoting beneficial microbes reinforces enzyme activity, supporting and developing antioxidant and increasing natural cleansing and medicinal properties in our products.The probiotic concept serves to increase our natural defense against bad bacteria while helping restore a positive microbial balance to the environment

Naturally occurring saponin found in soapnuts are used as surfactant (bubbles in your soap). Extractions of beneficial elements from plant or fruits are fermented, eliminating the need for shelf life extension chemical preservatives like Paraben. Pineapple and citrus fruits possess anti-oxidant enzymes that function as a natural degreaser and deodorizer. Their natural medicinal properties gently cleanse without the need to use harmful chemicals.

Additional information

Weight 0.400 g


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