Additional information
Weight | 0.400 g |
Our Body Wash is based on probiotic principles rather than the concept of anti-bacterial agents. Beneficial microflora, antioxidant fruit enzymes and naturally occurring saponin from soap nuts combine to form a synergistic “brew” which helps maintain the natural PH balance of the skin, enhances the protective layer on the surface of the skin, making it resistant and more impenetrable to harmful pathogens as well as killing body odors caused by bad bacteria.
การดึงคุณประโยชน์ของแบคทีเรียที่ดี (PROBIOTIC) แทนการทำลายเชื้อแบคทีเรีย ผสานสารต่อต้านอนุมูลอิสระจากเอนไซม์ผลไม้ และซาโปนิน (สารที่ทำให้เกิดฟอง) สกัดจากมะคำดีควายจากแหล่งธรรมชาติ ผ่านการหมักบ่มเข้าด้วยกัน สามารถทำความสะอาดผิวกายและรักษาสมดุลค่า pH ของผิว เพิ่มภูมิคุ้มกันของผิวทำให้ผิวมีสุขภาพดี สามารถต่อสู้กับแบคทีเรียร้าย และขจัดกลิ่นเหม็นจากเชื้อแบคทีเรียร้ายด้วยประสิทธิภาพสูงสุดของพืชจากแหล่งธรรมชาติบริสุทธิ์ ปราศจากสารเคมี และน้ำหอมสังเคราะห์ ส่งผลดีต่อสุขภาพและสิ่งแวดล้อม
200 in stock (can be backordered)
Weight | 0.400 g |
Our products combine ancient Thai herbal wisdom with the modern understanding of how beneficial micro-flora can bring healing to both body and environment.The presence of life promoting beneficial microbes reinforces enzyme activity, supporting and developing antioxidant and increasing natural cleansing and medicinal properties in our products. The probiotic concept serves to increase our natural defense against bad bacteria while helping restore a positive microbial balance to the environment
Naturally occurring saponin found in soapnuts is used as a surfactant (bubbles in your soap). Extractions of beneficial elements from plants or fruits are fermented, eliminating the need for shelf life extension chemical preservatives like Paraben. Pineapple and citrus fruits possess anti-oxidant enzymes that function as a natural degreaser and deodorizer. Their natural medicinal properties gently cleanse without the need to use harmful chemicals.
Elephant Apple (Dillenia indica), Laurel Leaf (ficus mircrocarpa), Soapnut (spindus emarginatus), Artesian Spring Water, Kaffir Lime (citrus hystrix), Pineapple (ananas sativus), Cinnamon (cinnamomum cassia), Goosebery (phyllanthus emblica) and Effective Microorganism (lactobacillus casei, rhodopseudomonas palustris, saccharomyces cerevisiae).
มะขวิด, ใบกระวาน, มะคำดีควาย, น้ำแร่ธรรมชาติจากใต้บาดาล, มะกรูด, สัปปะรด, อบเชย, มะขามป้อม, และ จุลินทรีย์ที่มีประสิทธิภาพ
Apply small amount on damp body, rub into a lather, rinse clean with water.
ที่ครีมอาบน้ำเพียงเล็กน้อยในขณะที่ตัวเปียก ลูบไล้จนเกิดฟอง แล้วล้างออกด้วยน้ำสะอาด
Conscious Living Body Wash or (can be used as Hand Wash as well) is 100% chemical free. Only natural ingredients & processes have been used as surfactant, emulsifier, and preservatives. Read the section Why Us for more information on our unique attributes.
No SLS, No SLES, No ALS, No sulfates (commonly used as surfactant) No Triclosan (anti-bacterial agent) No Cocamidopropyl Betaine (also used as surfactant), No Polysorbates (Emulsifier), No Polyethylene Glycol or PEG (emollients & emulsifier), No Potassium Sorbate (preservatives), No Phenoxyethanol (preservatives), No Quaternium (formaldehyde-releasing chemical, used as preservatives), No Paraben (preservatives), No Phthalates (responsible for making scent last longer), No Fragrances or Perfum (synthetic mixture of different chemicals to create a scent).
No Petrochemicals, ONLY Water-based, Naturally PH Balanced.
Approved by Thai FDA # 57-1-6300032138 dated 16th June, 2020
Conscious Living Team (verified owner) –
My grandad has suffered from eczema for several years and moisturizing cream hasn’t really helped him that much. I have been using Conscious Living for the better part of a year (and love it!) and I saw that some users were saying that switching to CL had helped with their skin conditions. So I got CL for my grandad and told him to use that instead of his regular body wash. Within a couple of months, he told me that his skin is looking and feeling much better! So I wanted to thank Conscious Living as this wouldn’t have been possible without their amazing product! I wholeheartedly recommend this to everyone.
Jack Bradshaw
Thailand, as posted on Facebook
Conscious Living Team (verified owner) –
Conscious living is one of the best product ever for me, eczema sufferers. I’ve tried many soaps and shampoos but they don’t help me on itchiness and dries me out. Also, the laundry soap does a really good job of cleaning and freshness.
Ping Worasucheep
Thailand, as posted on Facebook
Conscious Living Team (verified owner) –
Thank you for the good products. I have quite sensitive skin and I find these products are quite delicate. I like the smell actually. It’s very light and fragrant, which gives off a natural feel to it.
Harvest W.
Managing Director, EA Enterprises
Conscious Living Team (verified owner) –
have been a loyal client of Conscious Living since the first time I bought their Body Wash at the Farmer’s Market. I used to have spot and acne on my back and shoulder but amazingly it has all been healed. Besides, it helps maintain my skin natural PH balance. Unlike other products I have used, with this one I do not need to moisture my skin after bathing. Simply amazing and a must try!
Surayut Muangmungkung
Corporate HR Manager, Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company
Conscious Living Team (verified owner) –
I LOVE my Conscious Living Thailand body wash made from fermented pineapples! There is nothing better than using a product made with integrity that also supports the local community. I plan to weed out all my commercial crap and use only these organic goodies!
Melanie Giles-Clapp
Reiki Practitioner & Radiant Child & Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Lotus Rei